iRobot Root Lite (rt0) vs Thymio II Wireless – Best Educational Robots Comparison
Comparing two popular classroom educational mobile robots: Thymio II [...]
10 Exciting STEM/STEAM Activities to Motivate ESL/EFL Students in Japan
Motivate Your ESL/EFL Students with These 10 Exciting STEM/STEAM [...]
Launch a Successful STEAM + EFL/ESL Programming Course in 5 Easy Steps
Launch a Successful STEAM English Programming Course in Japan [...]
8 Great Educational Robots for Kids’ Programming
8 Great Educational Robots for Kids Programming Programming is [...]
5-device IR Thymio Remote Control Easy Installation Instructions
Installation Instructions for the 5-Device Thymio Remote Control Installation [...]
5 Great Resources for Teaching Programming to EFL/ESL Students in Japan
5 Great Resources for Teaching Programming to EFL/ESL Students [...]